Monday, March 7, 2011

Eighteenth Entry

Our stay at Franz Josef Glacier was a short one, but that did not prevent us from getting a few photos of both it and the Fox Glacier before we were forced to move on to our destination at Queenstown. For those planning to visit the South Island of New Zealand, I must reiterate, take at least four weeks, due to the distances traveled, and the time consuming activities that are the number one attraction for coming here. If you don't come to do the hikes (or tramps, as they're called here) then you're selling yourself short, so budget as much time as possible to do as many of them as you can.

Winding pathway on the alluvial plain just below Franz Josef, to the foot of the Glacier
Franz Josef Glacier, NZ
Another shot of the glacier from the right side
Franz Josef Glacier, NZ

This was the best example of the waterfalls lining the approach to the glacier.
Water from the hills around the glacier
Franz Josef Glacier, NZ

Secondary pathway located in the woods of the hills surrounding the glacier
Westland National Park near the Franz Josef Glacier, NZ

We followed his enchanted pathway through a slight drizzle, to a viewing point for the Fox Glacier.
Pathway to the Fox Glacier lookout 
Westland National Park, NZ

After a short five minute walk, we came upon this sight of the Fox Glacier in the distance.
Jungle/Rain Forest at the foot of The Fox Glacier
Westlands National Park, NZ

Sights along the path, on the way back to the car.
Fox Glacier Lookout Pathway
Westlands National Park, NZ

More amazing temperate rain forest sights

Fox Glacier Lookout Pathway
Westlands National Park, NZ

 As we travelled down the highway to Queenstown, Colleen suddenly exclaimed, "Jay, look at that beautiful waterfall!!" After explaining to her that it was hard enough keeping the vehicle on the left side of the road between the white line and the ditch, I pulled off, and we all went to investigate. Below, you can see the pathway to Thunder Creek Falls, just off the highway, south of the Fox Glacier.
Pathway to Thunder Creek Falls
Haast Pass Hwy, Mount Aspiring National Park, NZ

A short five minute walk later, we came to the Creek to see this wondrous sight below. There was a main river, into which this creek emptied itself from high above.
Thunder Creek Falls
Mount Aspiring National Park, NZ

In keeping with Terry-Trainor family tradition, the whole clan stoops low at the river's edge to scoop out some water from the stream. A spot, a moment in time, that is the never-ending flow that is our life.
The Richards Continue a Tradition at the River's Edge
Thunder Creek Falls, Mount Aspiring National Park, NZ

Below, you see the only picture we were able to get of the picturesque minarets peak, on the far side of Lake Tanaka, taken from the Makarora-Lake Hawea Road (Hwy 6.)

 Not five minutes later, we arrived upon the vista below, of Lake Hawea, taken from the place called "The Neck", along the Makarora-Lake Hawea Road.
 At a place called Wanaka, we found this crazy place that the kids were dying to go in and play around at. We did a quick "U-ee", only to find that, like most businesses in New Zealand, it closed at 5PM...AAARGH!!! You would think that a place like this would be open in he evenings, considering school was back in session at the time! Alas, we will have to come back some oher year to experience what looks to be a riot of fun inside!
Puzzling schedule at Puzzling World, Wanaka, NZ 

Below, you can see why we were intrigued so much;

No, that's not barrel distortion you're seeing!
Puzzling World, Wanaka, NZ

Another shot of the mazes

Wanaka, NZ

On the way out of Wanaka, we couldn't possibly pass by his awesome specimen of a giant sequoia growing in someone's front yard!
Trophy Tree
Wanaka, NZ

Nearing our destination of Queenstown, along the Crown Range Road, we stopped at a lookout which was on Private farmland property. As is often the case, here in New Zealand, the Department of Conservation (DOC) and the farmers, act in concert to promote New Zealand tourism. To that end, stairways such as these, allow access to DOC lands and lookouts that happen to be on or beyond livestock pastures throughout New Zealand.

How to get over an electric fence without the entertainment factor.
Crown Range Road, just outside of Arrowtown, NZ

Scene from on top of the hill overlooking Arrowtown (to the right, outside the frame)
Sunset over the Queenstown Countryside,
Crown Range Road Lookout, Arrowtown NZ

A fascinating house in Frankton, overlooking the harbour on the Frankton Arm of Lake Wakatipu. Unique is the elevator to the back yard. AWESOME!

Home overlooking Frankton Harbour,
Frankton, NZ

Safe and sound at our destination, we were forced to rent this Motel cabin, due to the busy nature of the Queenstwon area. On a busy schedule, though, it was a blessed break for Colleen, who was able t prepare all meals and wash all laundry right in the five room suite. At $130.00 CAD per night in a busy tourist town during high season, you couldn't ask for more!

The Living Room of Motel Unit Six, Top Ten Holiday Park,
Queenstown, NZ

Another long day done, it's time for bed

~ Good Night from the Top Ten in Queenstown! ~

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