Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Twentieth Entry

Today's entry will begin in Queenstown, continue on for a short stop in Kingston (yes the irony was not lost on us), and finish in our favourite little town on the South Island, Te Anau.

Gardens and road side scenery are the order of this getaway day, in preparation for our sojourn to Milford Sound.

Getting up early (for us) in the morning, we kind of just wandered around Queenstown, and ended up on this really steep hill on Malaghan Street, overlooking the harbour and the town itself.
A view of Queenstown from high above the harbour

 They make cars a wee bit different here in New Zealand!
 Kiwi Birdlife Park Mobile Advertising,
Queenstown, NZ

On the North Island, they have the Ladies Mile, while here on the South Island, in Queenstown, they have Man Street, and just so's you don't get it wrong, the Man's street comes with very explicit instructions.
Does this mean, "Drink between 8AM and 10PM, but don't let me catch you out here after that, or you'll end up sleeping with Otis in the hoosgow!?" Strange signs, indeed.
Mayberry signs in Queenstown, NZ

Just driving around, we ended up on a dead end street and saw the vistas below.
Queenstown, NZ

These people have some awesome views every morning!
Queenstown, NZ

A house with a view,
Queenstown, NZ

 Kelvin Heights, Frankton, as viewed by Queenstown residents
Queenstown, NZ

 After a little more wandering, we were delighted to find this park below.
Main Entrance to Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 The three amigos amongst the ducks
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 Front and center, as you enter the park, are these two giants overlooking the gazebo.
 Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

One more duck pond scene
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 Pretty as a picture...the PARK!
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Just so you can see the scale of these things, we took the photo below.
Cailin and Colleen below a Giant Sequoia,
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 OK; here begins a Clark Griswold-ish story, and it happened to none other than yours truly. You will note in the picture below, that the woman in the red shorts is in the process of throwing something. That something, was a frisbee--not the usual frisbee, mind you, but something a little smaller and a lot thicker. Shrugging my shoulders, I thought, "Well, there's a lot of things different down here", and so, feeling very chivalrous and helpful, I picked it up when the party she was with all exclaimed, "Look, she shot it over the pond!", and proceeded to throw it back to her, as any polite and helpful Canadian would do. Strangely, however, the usually polite Kiwis did not thank me as I expected them to. However, thinking nothing of it, I continued snapping my precious photos.
 Frisbee Tosser
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Continuing on, on my photo safari, I saw this picturesque scene, and so I had to snap it. What I really found curious, and intriguing, was the bird-cage-looking affair that the bench seemed to be set up to observe at one's leisure.
 Retired Person's Observation Bench(?) and bird cage
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 Going forward, I then noticed the rock below, with what looked like a temporary placard near its base. Curious, once again, I was drawn to the boulder.
 Boulder in the Park,
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Upon approaching the rock, I was surprised to read the sign below. "GOLFING?!", I asked myself incredulously. "Who would risk people's lives in a busy park like this by golfing!" I hadn't noticed anyone golfing in the park, so my state of puzzlement continued.
 Dangerous if True!,
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Perching myself upon the rock, I looked down at the same placard to see that it had instructions on the reverse side! Once again, I remained puzzled, because I only quickly glanced at the placard, failing to read the fine print.
 Puzzling Instructions Involving the Bird Cages that the retired people watched.
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 Looking in the direction that the placard at the base of the rock indicated, I saw the scene below.
 Bird Cage for "shoot'n golfs,"
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

And finally it dawned on me, with a closer look at the "bird cage" below.
I got tagged pretty good, right after I put my spectacles on to read this. "Watch out MacGoo!!" 
NOW I knew why the usually friendly Kiwis were not thanking me profusely for having returned their frisbee to them..."mighty strange frisbees, come to think of it..."
Jay's "Clark Griswold" moment at the frisbee-golf course.
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 Across the duck-pond bridge,
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

At the far end of the duck-ponds, we found this Ent, hiding amongst the trees.
 Ent-like tree,
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

A peaceful perch from which to watch the park,
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 At the far end of the formal gardens area, we found this interesting sculpture of a girl sitting on sacks of flour.
 Melancholy Maiden,
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Right next to the formal gardens, we were delighted to find this picturesque lawn-bowling club, seeming to step right out of the Victorian era.
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 On the same grounds as the lawn bowling greens, we found this curious contraption below.
 What is it 4?
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 Walking up to the object, we quickly discerned its function. 
 Electronically Locking "Loo"
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

The futuristic look continues inside.
 One of the strangest/coolest facilities we have encountered over here, yet! 
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Below, you see from Queenstown Park, out over towards the Hidden Island area.
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 Looking out towards Kelvin Heights
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

This shot below, was taken near the point upon which Queenstown Gardens rest. It looks southwest, towards Walter Peak in the foreground, and Mount Nicholas behind and to the right of it.
The view from Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Further around the point,  you can see White's Bay in the distance in the center of the Frame, with Queenstown to the right.
 The view from Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

At this point, the day started to close in on us, as cloud cover blanketed the area. Feeling chilled, Colleen and Cailin suggested that we get on the road, and so we did, as we returned via this scenic path, around the point and to the car park. 
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Heading inland through enchanted looking woodlands
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 A look at Queenstown from the shore walk. You'll notice the gondola, where they have more luge carts that we grew so fond of in Rotorua, on the North Island.
 A look at Queenstown from the Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

 This picture just presented itself, and so I took advantage.
 Beautifully framed Queenstown Harbour as seen from Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Nestled, hidden along the shore, was this classical Victorian-age, wooden tender.
 Wooden Tender hidden amongst the trees,
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Where the park meets the town itself, we found this stream flowing into the pristine-clean harbour.
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

Next to the stream, approaching the downtown of city itself, we came upon this fairy-tale-like playground.
Queenstown Gardens
Queenstown, NZ

And finally, just beyond the playgrounds, our exploration came to an end at this historical Anglican church.
 Queenstown, NZ

 On our way out of town, we took the wrong highway, so we took a picture...go figure!
 Taking advantage of our miscue, Cal got a picture of these thrill-seekers gliding above the harbour.
Queenstown, NZ

On the way out of town, we stopped in for gas, and came upon this curious sight, below.
Must be kissing cousins,
Quenstown, NZ

Burger Kings are different here. Videos, both contemporary and classic, play day and night on these flat screen TVs in "the B.K. Lounge" Honest, guys, this was the one and only meal there!

Burger King Birthday Party area
Queenstown, NZ

The images below were taken on The Kingston road, on the way to Kingston

Views across Lake Wakatipu, on the road to Kingston
The roadside scenes continue
Road to Kingston

One final look across Lake Wakatipu, this time from just north of Devil's Staircase

After just a few stops, we reached Kingston itself--not a remarkable town in any sense, but quaint nonetheless.
Kingston, NZ

A view from the beach, Kingston, NZ

Colleen and Cal search for skipping stones along the beach.
Kingston, NZ

Cal continues diligently.
Kingston, NZ

Kingston, NZ

We found this strange little home in Kingston...

Kingston, NZ

Kingston, NZ

After Kingston, it was a straight stretch of successive roads to Te Anau, with a few good bends in the road, (Kiwi style), just to make sure nobody's sleeping!
Just south of Athol near Parawa, off to the right on Hwy 6 to Te Anau

This mountain overshadows Parawa, and is named, Mid Dome.
(Hey, I didn't make these names up!)

Well, finally we made it to the Top Ten in Te Anau, from which we would base our day trip up to Milford Sound the next day. There are two things you notce right away at this park; the first is that they're fastidiously clean--they have 12 cleaning staff an three gardeners/handymen working hard each and every day--and the second thing you notice is the unique couch they put together in main reception. (more on that later)
Te Anau Top Ten Reception
Te Anau, NZ

As promised, the couch mentioned above. Interestingly, that probably is the original license plate number on that car, because we later ran into a guy in Oamaru, who was driving his parents' old 1957 Mercedes Sedan, and his plate changed in 1967 (?) (Help me out, here, Rachael B.) to comply with the new license laws that came into effect back then, and his tag read, "AN", followed by four numbers. The newer plates given out today have three numbers and three digits, and so, I am assuming that the clever welder/artist who fashioned this furniture, added authenticity to the project by keeping the original tag.
Te Anau Top Ten Reception (looks like an old Dodge. Help, anyone?)
Te Anau, NZ
Once we were settled in, the lady at the Top Ten reception suggested we take in the cinema downtown that was running hourly documentary movies on the Milford Sound area. Thus, we found ourselves at the cinema/cafe below, which may sound quite mundane, until you see the inside of the theatre.
 Fiordland Cinema, Te Anau, NZ

Before entering the show, we purchased a hot chocolate, and some hot apple cider in white china cups, at this counter, but asked, "Oh, but are we allowed to drink this in the film?" To which we were surprised to hear, "Oh, yes, go right ahead!"
Awesomely friendly Fiordland cafe/theatre
Te Anau, NZ

And, as promised, the unique interior;
Cal, dunking a Cinnamon stick in his hot apple cider.

Done with the film--no we weren't allowed to photograph it--we decided to just mosey around town a bit.
Downtown Te Anau, NZ

Downtown Te Anau, NZ
Near the waterfront, Downtown Te Anau, NZ

The design of this building caught our eye. It's designed to allow patrons a wonderful view of Lake Te Anau
The bar at the corner of Town Centre and Mokonui
 Te Anau, NZ
 This was the only time we saw miles even mentioned, and, according to Cailin, at least, the pies sold there ARE miles better than the rest!
Miles Better Pies, "the best pies in New Zealand, by Miles!"
Te Anau, NZ

Still not tired, these two monkeys decided to grab a quick climb on the playground equipment.
Hurry...take the picture...pant, pant...take the PICTURE!...
Downtown Te Anau, NZ
And then, the sun finally set on our busy day, in earnest.
 Lake Te Anau (Dock Bay), as seen from the shore in downtown Te Anau, NZ
Our resident fishing expert with tonight's supper!
 Which one is the trout?
Downtown Te Anau, NZ
Good Night from Sleepy Te Anau!
See you tomorrow from Milford Sound!

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